
We knew this wouldn’t be a piece of cake. As with anything in life, there tends to be setbacks. Our first setback was thanks to Home Depot… in which they told us they had a certain thing, when they didn’t have that thing, and when we drove the hour down there, it wasn’t there. So then a week later when I called to make sure that thing was in stock, and they told me it was, we drove the hour and guess what… didn’t have it. At that point we ordered those things we needed from a local place closer to us, for more money and having to wait even longer, but we were supporting local small business, and we didn’t have to deal with HD anymore. Anyway. (We now have those things and everything is good).


Peace amongst the stupidity.

Next setback was our woodstove. We were given a big sturdy woodstove for free from friends in Utah, and it has been sitting in storage since we got here. Everytime we have to go to our storage space for something, we swear that stove gets bigger. We finally had to decide that it was just too big for our little place. We got lucky by just asking around town and got our hands on an awesome smaller woodstove for $200 (flat top, glass doors, super rad). It’s not installed yet, but it’s one of the next things on the list!


Maybe if we lived in a 2000 sq ft house.

Then, one of our wonderful neighbors wanted to help us out and got us a free RV-sized propane cookstove/oven. Well, it had been sitting for who knows how many years in an abandoned trailer, and was inhabited by rodents. We started spraying it off and cleaning it out, and as gross as it was, I was willing to do my best to clean and bleach it since it was free to us. 


Needs serious scrubbing.


Can you see the gross?



Then I started taking the side panels off, and realized that every nook and cranny was packed with mouse shit and bedding. Like, places I couldn’t even clean out. I couldn’t do it. So the stove went to the dump. Back to square one. So for now, we’re still cooking on little camping propane tanks. It may not be fancy but it works!


Off to the dump.


Tea in the mornings!

2 thoughts on “Setbacks.

  1. Pingback: Propane. | Amelia's Meadow

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